Friday, July 27, 2012

Meep News 7/27/2012

As a reporter of Meep News, I have to have a good styled, tasty, mouth watering hat. Well, the hamburger seems to suit this just fine!

Other reporters usually have a brown fedora of some sort. Well, sadly, Social Meeps doesn't have a brown fedora at the moment. So for now, I will just be wearing a Burger Fedora on my head. Doesn't it look epic?

In other news, it seems though Alex has added a new day and night cycle to Social Meeps. This will make the game better, but it seems to still be in testing at the moment. Some places like Coin Shop and Pizza Shack have a glitch where if it is night or day outside, it will appear to be day time inside. I am sure this glitch will be fixed sometime today, or maybe sometime in the future.

So will this improve Social Meeps? It might just a little. I, personally LOVE this new feature! It just makes the game seem like a real place. Even though everything is cartoon like scenery and people the shape of spheres.

Also, the Employee of the Month at Coin Shop, recently has been shot to death while trying to help the Pizza Shack cashier his coins back from our past thief of the Pizza Shake. It seems though lightning88330 had kept the coins when we threw him in jail. So Bob, the Employee of the Month, tried to get them back from him. 

This didn't end well, because in order to do this, you have to open the jail cell. What happened was that lightning88330 took a gun from one of the Police and shot poor Bob to death. Before lightning88330 could open fire on the Police, the Police took the gun and Sparta-Kicked him into the jail cell.

Bob will forever be missed. As to his family, they want lightning88330 to be executed at once, but alexnewtron said that no meep shall ever be executed ever, because no one deserves to die. Not even meeps who have hurt/killed their own kind. So to this, he will just be given less dog food for the rest of his life. The manager of Coin Shop said this:

"We will keep up his picture showing that he's the Employee of the Month, because he will always, and forever be our Employee of the Month, alive or in Meep Heaven."

That concludes our broadcast day!


  1. It isn't a glitch, they just not might have added it to the Coin Shop or other places yet at all.
